Posturity for IT and security operation
Which tools? Where?
Simple questions but quite challenging to get right in the ever-changing sprawl of the IT environment and security tools. The result is a constant and tedious manual work effort of finding and securing devices. Learn how Posturity answers these questions and more...
Why Posturity for IT and security operations?
Efficiently manage security tools across all your environments.
Posturity provides operations teams with a top-down view of their security tool stack, an always up-to-date and unified device inventory and the prioritized actions required to effectively manage their tool stack.
Cybersecurity tool stack visibility
Security tool inventory
Operation teams are faced with logging into multiple security tools to get simple but critical questions answered about a device or the tool itself. Posturity provides operations with a single view of the security tool stack and key performance and compliance indicators.
Unified Device Inventory
Comprehensive device inventory
Operations teams struggle in keeping an up-to-date and accurate inventory of devices across all the physical and virtual environments. Posturity setups and maintains a unified device inventory with detailed visibility into each device.
Compliance and Performance Monitoring
Operational level compliance and performance monitoring
Monitoring for and managing the sheer number of compliance gaps and tool performance issues is a never ending battle. Through Posturity’s operational dashboard, operation teams can see the most critical items to address while getting a prioritized set of actions they can focus on to efficiently meet compliance needs.